All Saints Church, Corston


Diocese of Bath & Wells

At Corston Church we seek to serve our community and to share the love of God with all


What's On

The Village Market


Corston Village market takes place on the first Saturday of February to July and October to December, from 10:30am-12noon.  Stalls include cakes, plants, books, puzzles and bric-a-brac.  You can enjoy a gossip with your friends over a cup of coffee and perhaps be tempted to a bacon buttie.


The market started in 1991 and to date has raised over £50,000 for All Saints Church and is always a popular and enjoyable event.


Soup and Pudding Lunches


These are held in Corston Village Hall on the second Wednesday of each month, except August.


The cost is £3 for soup, cheese and bread; and £1 for a choice of puddings. A cup of tea or coffee is 50p.


These lunches are available between 12 noon and 1.15pm. We have space for buggies, high chairs, wheel chairs and zimmer frames!


Further details from Jean Seymour. Tel: 01225 872746


Coffee Shop


1st Tuesday morning and 3rd Wednesday morning

Bell ringing at All Saints Corston


In 1754 there were three bells known as 'Ye Great, Ye Least and Ye Other'. In that year Ye Great and Ye Least were recast into one single bell by the Bilbies, the famous bell founders of Chew Stoke. Ye Other was sold in 1823 and it seems that Corston had only the one Bilbie bell until 1917. In that year Mr. F. L. Bartelt presented the set of eight bells in use today. A condition, honoured to this day, was that the bells be rung every year on September 23rd, the birthday of Fritz Bartelt in whose memory they were given.


We have eight bells the heaviest, called the Tenor, which weighs just over 9 cwt. We practice on the last Friday of the month 7.45pm - 9.00pm and we ring for service on the third Sunday of the month at 10.45am. The Tower Master is Ms Jenny Burton.


We welcome any visitors to our tower and anyone aspiring to learn.

All Saints link with St. Teresa's


Over the years the church has had a close link with St. Teresa's, from Lent groups to carol singing and social events.


On the last Friday of the month (except December, when it is the previous week), the Churches Together Outreach for Older Folk take a service in the lounge at 2pm. There are 6-7 people in the team, each one having an active role.  There is a short appropriate talk and the residents frequently join in by playing percussion instruments and singing their well known choruses.


Every third Wednesday, one of the clergy gives Communion to residents in their rooms


If anyone is interested in joining the team, please contact Julie Bracewell on

01225 874522.  Just being with, and talking to these dear people is an enriching experience.


Communion in St. Teresa's


Twice a month, communion is available for all those who wish to take it.


1st Wednesday in the month Ken Plant visits residents in their rooms


3rd Wednesday one of the clergy gives communion at 2pm in one of the meeting rooms.

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